My Process: A Marriage of Art & Technology
My passion as a sculptor is to capture the tension of motion – and my favorite subject is the grace and athleticism of the female dancer. I use variations in form, scale, and material to explore how we perceive the motion of the female body. I start by sculpting a figure in wax. Sometimes the original figure is cast directly in bronze or plaster. More often, though, I use modern 3D technology to explore how variations of the original figure affect our sense of the figure and it’s motion. Below are 5 brief videos that explain different parts of the process. The first is an interview with Howard University’s WHUT done in 2020 during the pandemic. The second is a “meet the artist” video developed for a piece commissioned for Makers Rise — a mixed-use development in Herndon, VA. The third shows the steps in the making of The Goddess Innana. The forth is a more generic description of the process. The fifth is a 30-second record of the commissioned piece designed and executed for Makers Rise in Herndon, VA.
WHUT Interview of Jackie Braitman’s Momentum Series
“Meet the Artist” of Sculpture Commissioned exclusively for Makers Rise — a mixed-use development in Herndon, VA
The Making of the Goddess Inanna