The Girls

The Girls
Hand-Bent & Painted Steel
Larger: 96” x 72” x 72”
Smaller: 60” x 45” X 39”
“The Girls” is part of my continuing journey to find elegant, simple ways to represent the human form in motion. This pair represents the pure joy of dancing and especially in moving through nature -- or the garden. As a technical matter, the two pieces also explore how support changes with scale but how that support can contribute to, rather than distracting from, the overall movement and rhythm of the artwork.
Installation: 1 person can position the small piece. 2 people are required for the larger piece. Each base has 4 holes for 3/8” bolts into a plinth or for 3/8” threaded rod at least 3ft into solid ground.
Artwork: The Girls - fill in the form below for additional information.